Adaptability is the key to prosperity. Businesses must be agile in responding to changes and trends, refining and adjusting strategies to stay ahead of the curve. When it comes to documenting best practices and operational processes, the traditional approach of dedicating high-end resources may no longer be the most viable option. Instead, partnering with a service provider that values and excels in customer service can be a game-changer, allowing your professionals to concentrate on driving revenue growth and innovation.

Jose Lopez, one of our expert regional directors, says “Statistics and process documentation are both crucial aspects of our client’s operational needs.” He accurately emphasizes the importance of those needs with four foundational aspects of our clients’ experience, which he personally oversees.  


Statistics provide tools and techniques for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data. By providing statistical data through our “Value Added Review”(VAR) presentation, our clients can make informed decisions rather than relying on intuition or guesswork.

Resource Optimization

The statistical data provided through our VAR also helps our Clients optimize their resources by identifying inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement.

Quality Control

Process documentation like GLC’s Client-specific “Site Operational Manual” and “Daily Manifests” ensure that quality and efficiency expectations are met based on standardized procedures and best practices.

Risk Assessment

Together, GLC’s process documentation and VAR Statistical data helps our clients identify potential points of failure or weaknesses in processes that may lead to risks.


These foundational elements are essential for navigating the complexities of day-to-day business operations. By harnessing statistical tools and documented processes, businesses can make strategic decisions, streamline operations, ensure quality standards, and proactively address potential risks.

In Jose’s outline for the use of statistics and documentation, we see how success is not merely a matter of chance but a strategic combination of meticulous planning and data-driven decision-making. Our leaders at GLC understand the pivotal role that these two components play in meeting a business's operational needs. They serve as the foundation upon which we build a path to success, ensuring efficiency, quality, and sustainable access to resources. 

Our clients never need to guess or assume that our services are having a positive impact on their office because our Value Added Review process details for them how our model is working for them and the hugely beneficial impact it has over time. 

No business lasts long if it is not generating the necessary revenue. That is why we are dedicated to outsourcing those necessary tasks which are essential to business function, without interrupting those individuals who are at the core of the stream of revenue and business purpose.

Businesses often hire and promote people with the intention that they will help boost the overall profits of the business and be beneficial to the company’s overall function. However, there are so many aspects of managing a successful business that have less to do with the core revenue, and more to do with organization, bookkeeping, and public image of the company. Over time, as key employees take on those responsibilities involving reception, mailroom, digitizing documents, and file production, their availability to address the main priorities of their jobs is consumed by daily tasks and organizational burdens. 

We pride ourselves on providing a high level of quality in every office we have a presence. One of the ways that we ensure that is by creating and updating manuals as a part of our service. In that way the expectations are always clearly outlined and consistent for both the employer and the employee. Nothing slips through the cracks, and we can continue to use the information to build on the existing data and improve on systems as needed over time. 

Embracing innovation in how best practices are documented and operational processes are managed is essential for making competitive, data-driven business decisions. By partnering with a service provider that values customer service, businesses can free up their professionals to focus on revenue growth and strategic initiatives. With a robust framework of statistical analysis, process documentation, and risk assessment, businesses can navigate the complexities of the market with confidence and resilience. 

We’d like to help you make those informed decisions to improve your business services in every way.  


Take steps toward analyzing your business