October 1, 2021

Great Partners; Powerful Products
Posted by M. Hayes
GLC’s cross-country presence, customer centric focus, and unique structure are a strategic advantage for our clients. These factors allow us great visibility into productivity tools available in multiple professional environments. Our independence is a constant reminder that our recommendations are motivated only by the productivity they bring your organization, and the trust built with us in providing positive results. A great example of this is our partnership with DocSolid, and their AirMail2 platform. Rarely have we encountered a technology that provides such a forward thinking, effective, compliant, and secure solution. There is minimal impact to the existing IT network, and clearly visible efficiencies when incorporated into back office centralization and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) structures.
How it works:
The Airmail2 Suite creates a law firm Digital Mail Room and Digital Records Room. The Digital Mail Room enables paper mail imaging and delivery workflows to match recipient preferences, DMS destinations, Mail Room staffing and multi-office deployments. The Digital Records Room builds a digitization project to convert paper records for storage in the document management system, so that firms can downsize their office real estate footprint, and deliver requested files digitally to workers located anywhere.
Airmail2 is built on DocSolid’s proven Paper2Digital software platform, with built-in controls for quality assurance, help desk, auditing and reporting. DocSolid delivers this essential solution with our unmatched legal market focus and consulting expertise. A Digital Mail Room and a Digital Records Room are requirements for the New Normal. Whether the workforce is at home or back in the office, these solutions are essential for efficiency, security and workplace health practices.
Learn more through the recorded webinar linked here: docsolid.com/webinars/create-a-digital-mailroom-and-records-room
Feel free to ask your GLC Management representative, contact us, or explore further at docsolid.com