At GLC we like to highlight how our in-office staff can support any business’s remote staff without sacrificing principles such as office culture, communication, or productivity. At the same time, our experience in sourcing the right people for efficiency means that our partners’ staff can enjoy all the benefits of remote work while feeling plenty of office support and without any conflict in Human Resources. 

So, how exactly do we achieve all of that, without risking our own team and their unique abilities in the process? In 2025, with flexible work arrangements being used to source and retain talent, top performers almost expect that some flexibility will be earned. Yet, the breakdown of an organized office environment is a sure sign of a business in decline. 

To weigh in on that question our own CEO, Michael Hayes, offered his expert insights. He tackles the complex solution of supporting remote teams with a three-pronged approach. 

Mike says, “When it comes to supporting remote workers we make sure to focus on partnership, technology, and time.

Partnership is a two way street- number one and most importantly- building trust between management and remote workers.  We trust our employees to do the right thing for our customers, but also hold them accountable to the results.  In the normal give and take of healthy business relationships our ability to deliver quickly is a key component of how we 'Consider It Done'.  Living by the fundamentals of good partnership makes it possible. 

Part of the benefit of remote work is to add flexibility.  The right technology can be a force multiplier when properly implemented. Conversely, improperly implemented it can be a boat anchor and huge frustration to remote teams.  We utilize as much passive and mobile technology as we can- from remarkably easy sources to obtain.  From mobile devices, on-line reporting, GPS systems, and video calls, to a one stop HR and Operations platform- we aim to keep the essentials easy to manage and update.  

Our time is the most valuable resource we have, and sharing it is an important gift.  With remote teams the logistics behind ‘being in touch’ can be overwhelming, but it's essential in team building, and uncovering issues before they become problems.  When we look at employee engagement and tenure, where and how we spend our time is a significant driver of successful outcomes.  Having an accessible network of managers, directors and leadership that communicate regularly allows appropriate time to be given to each and every remote team.” 


In many ways the same principles that have guided our framework to exceed expectations for many years, without the available technology to allow for remote work, are the very ideals that allow our teams to thrive in the current environment, supporting remote work. 

The higher-level managers on our team understand the value of a well-trained staff, unfettered by the common problem of micromanagement. This agility allows our staff to perform within the bounds of department best practices, with the support of a team when required, but without the disturbance to the business that comes with the demands of recruiting, training, supporting, and answering to organizational staff. 

We also know the importance of using intuitive, familiar tools in our effort to support those working off-site. With new apps and websites emerging every year, choosing overly-complicated, or rarely used technology often inhibits productivity and communication rather than enhancing it. 

While we have the capability of working with any communication service, we find that using the most readily available technology is often the most effective. This keeps communication frequent and flowing, making avoidable errors or confusion less common. We know that some businesses require the use of other technology for organizational purposes or for the use of related features. Keeping easy communication with our staff leaves room for them to adapt to the needs of the office they are serving.

By utilizing the principles of Partnership, Technology, and Time within our own staff, we’re similarly able to protect those resources and relationships for our clients. They can fulfill the demands of their business, never questioning that our team will be there to keep them operating with excellence. 

Supporting a remote workforce requires a thoughtful and comprehensive approach. By fostering strong relationships, equipping teams with the right tools, and respecting their time, we can help build a remote workforce that is not only productive but also deeply engaged and satisfied. These principles have served as a foundation for success. We have every reason to believe that as the workforce adapts to new technology, focusing on these ideas will allow every employee to reach their full potential regardless of where they are working. 

Teams That Support Your Business