Poor training and bad communication go hand-in-hand. 

Employees need to know the specifics of their job, how to do them, and what to prioritize in order to sync well with company needs and culture. Not only that, but manager and staff priorities must be similarly aligned to ensure the team is working productively and efficiently, and micromanagement is avoided. 

Members of your team that are unsure what aspects of their job need attention are likely to become dissatisfied with the position. They may become anxious, wondering if they are missing something that they should be focusing on. Team members that haven’t been properly trained in their positions may become overwhelmed as they take on tasks that are better suited to others on the team, or bored as they are unsure of their responsibilities. Unnecessary turnover in a position starts when an individual starts to ask themselves “Why am I doing this?” 

It’s easier to avoid this problem than you might think. The answer is communication, and, as always, reliable inter-company communication might be more challenging than you think. 

For every new employee, the main questions of the team should be addressed: 

Who are the people in the company?

What do each of those people do?  

Where do people work: remote, in-office, corporate office, etc.? 

When are tasks expected to be completed? 

Why is each task important and the standards associated? 

How do we ensure procedures and best practices are followed? 


These are important questions that must be addressed frequently: as the team changes and as technology is updated are good benchmarks to start with.

As a company that has been navigating a variety of company cultures around the United States for decades, we’ve found that proper communication is essential to the training and onboarding process for each new employee. 

Each new position we create is carefully planned out and accounted for with data that supports our strategy. Employees can always be assured that we have a plan for their team and their position as they come into it. 

In a way, training is its own form of communication. It is the business communicating the needs and expectations of the position to an employee. Like all important communications, it should be clear. It should also be open to a response. 

In a well-balanced workplace team members should feel comfortable asking questions about the tasks they perform. Likewise, managers should be prepared to answer, or find answers, to questions about what each member of their team is responsible for, and what value those responsibilities provide. 

On the heels of the Great Resignation, as staffing shortages remain a problem across the country, we’ve remained committed to providing our clients with the personnel they need to remain productive and efficient in all the areas of expertise that we manage, including expected and unexpected absences. Each position is backed by powerful statistics to assure minimal waste and maximum productivity. 

To us, it’s important that we share our personnel needs analysis with clients to communicate cost value. For our own staff, we want them to know the intrinsic value they hold as a member of our team. Our careful hiring and training program puts each individual at a unique opportunity. 

When it comes to communication, there are so many tips to do it right, to do it effectively, and to have an element of transparency. For our business, the real tip is to simply start effective communication at the beginning with each member of our team. Communicate value. Communicate responsibilities. Be open to a response.